New Paradigm Approach

Evolving our structure into a new paradigm


In 2020 TPF held a series of virtual retreats with grantees to uncover what is needed next. These conversations pointed the way towards a new paradigm for the funds, one where we live our values of self-determination, and officially kicked off a process to evolve the funds structure and decision-making. While we’ve always been a foundation led by the field, there’s more we can do to fully embrace our values and work towards liberation in this ongoing journey to build the infrastructure the field needs. We have convened an opt-in group of funders and grantees to dedicate collective time and attention necessary to this hard but important shift. Their work commenced in the fall of 2020 to restructure the Partnership Fund into one that more equitably shares power with grantees; to develop a transformative fund that truly supports the development of independent political power.

Our goals for this governance structure evolution are to:

  1. Lead through honest, trusting relationships. We want to live the values that we’re saying right now as an organization. The orientation of the funds is that the leader on the front lines know what’s best and it’s critical you are heard. We should be following your guidance and your leadership.

  2. Shift power While listening is foundational, as we move into the future structure we are looking to concretely shift power of decisions to ensure grantees own this. Our aim is to move away from faux dependent power strategies that ultimately maintain dependence, control and strategy in the hands of philanthropic decision making.  

  3. Not get in the way of the work Much of how philanthropy works is about holding old hierarchical models and control; yet much is also about offering grace and love and trying to help visionary, hard-working leaders get the work done. Our goal is that wherever this structure lands we do not get in your way, but find ways to get things done that truly live our values and move us all towards liberation.

  4. Demonstrate what’s possible We want to learn from what’s come before, while not being constrained to replicate existing models; we have an opportunity to create something new together and demonstrate to our philanthropic partners what is possible when it comes to shifting power.

Learn more about the strategy retreats that informed this new paradigm evolution.